3plains is back doing real estate web design in 2010. Thank you,Ryan Trask3plains Web Solutions
Our Western-Wisconsin.com website has received a nice update last week. Several search options exist such as: search by community, city, particular lake, riverfront/view, and advanced search options. Our main sections include: Riverfront (Riverfront Real Estate) Search River by River St. Croix Ri
Watch a video on Ron Paul's statements on the "Mother of all Bailouts" on the Housing Bill, Bernanke & the Fed printing more fiat Money only weakening of the US dollar and our purchasing power. Add another 800 BILLION to our national debt... I read a quote on the internet that I thought fit prett
The IAB has announced that Internet Advertising Revenues are up over 18% year over year, or $5.8 Billion for the first quarter of 2008. That's off the pace of the $5.9 Billion record set in Q4 '07. Source: PwC/IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report (www.iab.net) This is good news for Interactive
I realize this video is old news, but it is quite funny and deserves a quick post.The guys from 1000 Watt Consulting obviously aren't rookies here. Just read their bios: http://www.1000wattconsulting.com/about.phpHere is the video and my comments are below it: I am not a leadI think the video jus
I am sure you have used website searches that use the select box "Control Function" for communities and cities (view photo). Call me crazy, but that really annoys me. Scrolling Control Box Search (i.e. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple areas) Have you ever used that "Control Key Box", had
It is amazing to me how internet/seo companies (including myself) optimize for keywords, phrases, and particular high volume search engine patterns. But in the end, odd keyword combinations convert to a better percentage of sales. Let's take an example search of "Single Family homes for sale in E
I was talking to a real estate software/marketer the other day and he was stating that his customers are closing at a low end of 4% and at a high end of 8% of internet leads as of Jan 2008.What are others currently seeing as far as conversion ratios? How many people are filling out forms and how
An Internet Marketing Company's Outlook on the 2008 Real Estate Outlook Relating to the 2008 real estate outlook, it's hard to ignore the real estate/housing news on CNN Money and other news stations. Listening to friends, family, business acquaintances tell me the real estate market is hurting.
If your looking to propel your real estate website to the next level, think about more than just slapping up a site with a contact form, about us page, framed up search page and basic homepage. With some thought and great content, you can get users to think you are really a more fabulous agent t