Hi all,Just trying to find out how many bike riders are out there in the Real Estate world? And how many of you ride your bikes to work. Not just men on this, but women too. I am still waiting for a little warmer mornings before I start to ride on a regular basis, but I find it very freeing to do...
Well everyone, it is finally starting to feel like summer time in Alaska. We are starting to get up in the 50's and sometimes topping out in the 60's. I know for some people that were not raised in Alaska this weather has them perplexed whether or not they should stay or sell out and head back to...
Meeting your real estate needs!  Hi, my name is Linda Jo Poindexter and I am an Associate Broker at FIVE STAR REALTY K-BEACH BRANCH in Soldotna, Alaska. I am a member of the Kenai Peninsula Association of Realtors, along with being a member of the Alaska Association of Realtors and the National A...

Linda Jo Poindexter

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