From what I have been learning about foreclosures, I have a lot to say, and I believe I have a lot of information that can help homeowners facing foreclosure. While I am not an attorney, and cannot give the advise that an attorney can give, I can express my thoughts, opinions, and research infor
Of course they do not call it for what it is, fraud upon the American people, and in our courtrooms, and I am not usually one to 'plug' any major news media, as I feel they are all bought and paid for these days in our country...however, I must hand it to MSNBC for actually making it public a lit
After researching foreclosures in Florida, it was becoming quite obvious there was a huge problem. I quickly found people willing to admit 80% did not have the legal grounds to foreclose. Almost as quickly, from my beginning research, I could not find a case that had the full grounds to forec
For some time now, in the media, while meeting with clients, and in talking to friends and family, everyone has someone to point their finger at to blame for the so-called "mortgage crisis" that is effecting our economy so much these days. Whether it is the mortgage brokers, Realtors, appraisers
First, this blog only effects Floridians, but it is an important issue that if other states are in similar situations, they should look into it as well! Miami activist Jack Thompson is trying to spearheading a movement to amend the Florida Constitution so that the Florida Supreme Court and the Fl
I know of the following Business Networking events this coming week: Monday - Dec 01, 2008 - Sarasota County: - - Venice - PNL Venice @ 12N - 1PM - Tuesday - Dec 02, 2008 - Manatee County: - - Open Network Bradenton 11:45AM - 1PM Cost is $10 @ Stacey's Buffet 4848 14th St. W (US 41) - - -
There are so many foreclosures being filed these days, we all hear the stories about it, but did you know most banks are NOT following the law regarding required paperwork to substantiate the filings! And note, I did not say some, or many, I said MOST banks do not file proper paperwork, because h
About a week ago, I stumbled across some information. That started me thinking (could everyone from CA see the smoke from FL?) and got my curiosity up. And to all those that know me, when I'm curious, I ask everyone here on AR, and I do a bit of research as well. Here goes - topic: FORECLOSURE
Over the past couple of months, on several blog posts about the coming hurricane storms, I've made repeated comments and also wrote a blog entry [SEE BLOG] about how important it was to hire your own public adjuster. BUT, in a conversation last night with an AR member, I realized, I never explai
Hey everyone, Deborah is not new to Active Rain, but she is just starting to get the hang of things here, so I wanted to spread the word about her in the Newbies and other groups. Please check out her and her services! For getting your loan documents closed on time. When you are looking for pea